Laguna Playhouse Youth Theatre presents The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical, an action-packed mythical adventure "worthy of the gods" (Time Out New York). As the half-blood son of a Greek god, Percy Jackson has newly-discovered powers he can't control, a destiny he doesn't want, and a mythology textbook's worth of monsters on his trail. When Zeus's master lightning bolt is stolen and Percy becomes the prime suspect, he goes on a quest to return the bolt, prove his innocence and prevent a war between the gods. Adapted from the best-selling book The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and featuring a thrilling original rock score, The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical is a killer quest that will have you ready to "Bring on the Monsters". “The Lightning Thief is a blast — and that's no myth.” – Boston Globe “Completely innovative and inspiring!” – Front Row Center “Percy is a rock star!” – New York Daily News